Finding an escorts in Chicago’s South Loop is Easy !
Chicago City Escorts has been Voted Chicago’s Best Escort Agency for 18 years running !
We have beautiful escorts and adult entertainers who are highly skilled in the Art of Entertaining Gentlemen right here in the South Loop area of downtown Chicago !
Our South Loop Escorts are not just good at what they do , They are The Best of the Best Escorts in the Chicago Loop, as well as The GreaterChicagoland Area !
Why are we the Best ?
Each and every one of our escorts is handpicked by the Legend himself , TomKat !
Who is this TomKat ?
TomKat is and has been the proprietor of this establishment since 1978 , and it is with Good Reason that He and Chicago City Escorts have been around this long .
One reason is that Ole TomKat has a PHD in women .
You can tell by virtue of the many gorgeous & highly skilled courtesans that work here that this is not an accident . Believe you me . I have used other escort agencies in other cities , and most all of them fall short of what you will find here at Chicago City Escorts . Are we bragging ? Maybe a just a “lil” bit , but like “Ole” TomKat likes to say …
“The proof is in the pudding , and it ain’t bragging if you can back it up” !
Here at Chicago City Escorts , we put our money where our mouth is ! That is why we are the only escort agency in America that offers a Guarantee , The Chicago City Escorts Guarantee that is …
What is The Chicago City Escorts Guarantee ?
#1 Guaranteed Flat Rate Fee !
#2 Privacy and Discetion are Paramount … meaning “We are in the Have Fun Business , not the tell on you business” !
Bottom Line : Here at , We Keep your Secrets … Secret !
#3 Last , but not Least … We Guarantee that …
You will have a Good Time !
In keeping with the many different ideas and opinions that our customers have about what is hot … and what is not …
Chicago City Escorts offers a wide variety of escorts , adult entertainers, and Part-Time Girlfriends from all over the world for you to choose from.
Once again , our Rate is a Guaranteed Flat Rate , but they can vary between $350 and $400 an hour , depending upon the model of your choice. Please contact Chicago City Escort for pricing.
Payment options :
To make things easy for our customers we accept all forms of legal tender , Cash (USD and EURS), Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card , Venmo, Square Cash, Bitcoin and PayPal .
As stated above , Privacy is very important to us ; therefore , All credit card transactions are Discreetly Billed.
** For Faster Service and Advance Reservations pick up the phone , and Call us at **