Our beautiful female escorts provide the best adult entertainment experience in Northbrook, as well as the entire Chicagoland Area .
We offer a wide variety of escorts and models for you to choose from . All of our upscale female Escorts are hand picked from the 4 corners of the world .
We understand that beauty comes in many different shapes, forms and fashions, so we always make sure that you always have many different options to choose from.
We also offer guarantee a Flat Rate Fee !
Rates may vary between $400 and $500 an hour , depending upon the model of your choice.
This may be one of the more important reasons you want to call an escort agency and not an independent escort.
Here we take all of the unpleasantness out of the process . We charge you a fixed price, nothing more, nothing less !
No Negotiating ! No Haggling !
This keeps things SIMPLE !
So, for faster service simply contact our office at …
Don’t forget to ask about our Multi-Hour Discounts !
Attention : Chicago City Escorts accepts all forms of Cash (USD and EURS), Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card, PayPal, Venmo, Square Cash, and Bitcoin.
*** Very Important ! ***
All credit card transactions are Discreetly Billed.
Here at Chicago City Escorts Privacy and Discretion are Paramount .
We guard your Privacy and Integrity aggressively and without fail .
This may very well be the single most important reason why you want to call an escort service that has a Good Reputaion and a Long History in the business.
No one has been in this business longer than we have , and No one has a Better Reputation in this business than we do …